About Us

About Fix Gaming Channel

Hello and welcome! I'm Ronny Fiksdahl, Founder, Editor-in-Chief, Journalist, Content Creator, and Web Developer. Along with my partner, Robelle Veligano, an Editor, Freelance Writer, and SEO Specialist, we've turned Fix Gaming Channel into a haven for gaming enthusiasts. Our shared passion for gaming, stemming from decades in the music industry, drives this project.

From pixelated adventures to modern storytelling, gaming has always been a part of our lives. As the founder and a devoted gamer, I'm joined by Robelle, the co-creator who adds her unique perspective and dedication to our vision. Together, we're not just the creators of this channel; we are its first fans and fellow gamers.

Gaming is our lens to the world, blending narrative and artistry in dynamic ways. What started as a YouTube channel to share my thoughts on games has grown into a vibrant community, a brand, and a sanctuary for gamers. Fix Gaming Channel celebrates gaming culture, its stories, and the incredible community behind it.

Let's Connect

Your stories and enthusiasm shape this channel. Whether you're looking for your next game, sharing news, or connecting over a love for gaming, you've found your tribe.

If our mission resonates with you, if you have a story to share, or if you simply want to say hi, please reach out. Fix Gaming Channel thrives on your support and engagement, making our journey richer.

Welcome to Our Gaming Family!

Have a Blast,

Ronny Fiksdahl
Founder, Editor-in-Chief, Journalist, Content Creator, Web Developer

Robelle Veligano
Editor, Freelance Writer, SEO Specialist

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